Upon completion, the nanotransducer will be magnetically guided out of the brain and into the bloodstream to be processed out of the body, it said.Sharma, 40, has been tasked to develop a system that could ultimately allow a soldier to put on a helmet and use his mind to control multiple unmanned aerial vehicles or even a bomb disposal robot, Battelle, a Columbus-based R&D organisation, said in a statement.

BrainSTORMS involves the development of a novel nanotransducer that could be temporarily introduced into the body via injection and then directed to a specific area of the brain to help complete a task through communication with a helmet-based transceiver, the statement said.Battelle’s Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) programme for a minimally invasive neural interface system, has been named ‘BrainSTORMS’ Brain System to Transmit Or Receive Magnetoelectric Signals). If successful, this technology would not only provide a safe and efficient way to facilitate human machine interactions but also has the potential to revolutionise the study of the nervous system,” Sharma said.Washington: An Indian-origin scientist and his team in the US have won a whopping USD 20 million contract from an agency of the defence department to develop a system that could allow a soldier to control multiple unmanned aerial vehicles or even a bomb disposal robot with his thoughts.


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One of their elected members of the European Parliament, Godfrey Bloom, took the particulars of this branding quite literally. Mr Sked, it must be noted, left the party he had founded. Ukip now has nine out of 73 members in the European Parliament, and all of them are dedicated to taking the UK out of it. He is seen as a non-politician politician, photographed unself-consciously with a pint of beer in his hand and a broad smile.Since the 2010 election another distinct anti-coalition party has entered the fray and has been making some electoral headway. His audience took it as he meant it and laughed. “We’ve got a roomful of sluts then,” said Mr Bloom.

Mr Bloom was precipitately expelled as Ukip’s European man and has left one section of the nation wondering if it wants to vote for or join a party which speaks its mind in this particular way and another, tinier section determined to vote for people like Mr Bloom rather than Ed Miliband, David Cameron or anyone who is careful about how they address women, immigrants and, indeed, reality. That would depend upon Ukip being able to attract some support from people who are for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU but not necessarily for the other wishful policies that the party espouses, such as reducing all taxes, lifting the ban on smoking in public, scrapping welfare and erecting a statue of Adolf Hitler in Hyde Park — please note I made that last one up. Let me present the psephological maths: The 2010 election resulted in a hung Parliament with neither Labour nor Conservative having a clear majority and the Liberal-Democrats led by Nick Clegg having 50 seats and holding the balance of power. The United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip) was founded in 1993 by Alan Sked, a London School of Economics lecturer who gathered a following on the single policy of unconditionally and precipitately quitting the European Union. The remark was widely reported and decent opinion from all colours of the political spectrum reacted with shock and horror. The image that they have sought to project is that they are non-politician politicians and can therefore speak their minds and truly represent the common man. Gay doesn’t mean merry, “to google” is a respectable verb and tweet has passed from being comic birdsong to being idiots’ activity. Addressing a meeting of Ukip members in the course of their annual conference, he began to talk about housework Recycled Fabrics suppliers and asked the women in the audience how many of them bothered to “clean behind the fridge”.Slut as in slattern“Isn’t it strange Isn’t it rich That Panini The Grammarian of SanskritIs now an Italian sandwich ”From Hai Doonya! by BachchooThe meanings of words slide. In the local elections of 2013, Ukip won some startling victories, taking their support from dissident Tories and, the pollsters calculated, from the working class supporters of Labour who respond to Ukip’s anti-EU and ban-all-immigration policies.


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It is above the median, amongst Indian states, in its socio-economic indicators. The Narendra Modi government is a bellwether for markets simply because it has demonstrated vastly superior capacity to get the rusty levers of government working.Having said that, Karnataka is not a backward state where political stability is critical for survival. This is a blessing.. Neither is likely to be abandoned by the Modi government. industry.5 per cent by 2016-17, where it has remained in 2017-18.Yogendra Yadav, a veteran political analyst, has rightly said that the hung Assembly in Karnataka is a routine affair.Quickly implementing the progressive announcements of Budget 2018-19 for agro-processing, liberalisation of domestic agricultural markets and agricultural exports — which has not been in the news since — can illustrate that the government walks the talk on a sustainable doubling of farmer incomes. Kumaraswamy. Yeddyurappa, the state BJP leader, on being invited by the governor, Mr Vajubhai Vala, to take charge as chief minister, quickly declared that farm loans, possibly amounting to `250 billion, are waived, even before he could prove his majority.The only real gainer in Karnataka is a regional party — the Janata Dal (Secular) under the leadership of H.It is unlikely that the new, interim finance minister.

Piyush Goyal, will countenance any further deviation from the path of fiscal consolidation, lest it erode India’s credit rating. Frankly, it matters little which party or parties have a majority as long as it or they live through the five-year term, thereby allowing the outstanding administrators which Karnataka has to go about their jobs and for business to plan ahead.4 per cent of GDP in 2013-14 — the final year of the UPA — down to 3. It is one of the four major national hubs for the tech. Monetising existing infrastructure assets, to get additional fiscal resources this year, will be an extension of what Mr Goyal was already doing as railway minister.S. It has taken the lead at the national level in ensuring probity.If the BJP has a long-term economic vision for India, it needs to shun acting in a purely transactional manner in the near term, with an eye to squishing out all political opposition. This could be a panic attack, foretelling that the BJP may not find the numbers to cobble up a majority. Inflation is likely to edge up to five per cent this fiscal driven by the oil price increase, whilst the fiscal deficit shall increase to four per cent of GDP. Doing the same in the states can show that the BJP rubber is meeting the road. These are signature reforms with significant economic gains.


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